Tuesday 9 September 2014

September 9th Day 17 --> The Effects of Stress

Breakfast:  Paleo friendly Almond and Raspberry Muffins

Lunch:  Chicken, bacon, cucumber, tomato, olives, red onion and red pepper

Dinner:  Left over fajita spiced chicken with salad and olives

Exercise:  none


The reason why I have started this way of life is to lose weight, obviously, but to also have a better functioning body and digestive system.

I have found that my body is functioning better than it was.  The cravings are pretty much gone.  I do get some moments like when I see pictures of cakes, burgers, pizzas and things like that.  But I get myself back into line and I am ok.

But there is one factor that you cannot account for:  Stress.

The last few days at work have been stressful for me and my boyfriend work wise.   But we are getting through this. 

We function and deal with stress in different ways.  The boyfriend yells, screams, shouts, swears, throws stuff and generally acts like an ass.

Me?  I tend to keep quiet, keep my head down and not speak unless I am spoken to.  I don't try and panic.  I try to keep myself level at all times.  It's hard sometimes though.  So where does the stress go?  Straight to my stomach.  What do I get?  Gassy, sore tummy, tiredness, cranky, and generally feel drained.

That is how I have felt the last few days.  So how am I going to combat this?

Well, first of all I should be going to the gym.  I haven't and for that I truly feel like an ass.  Tomorrow is personal training with Dan so that will light a fire under me.  My sleeping pattern has been wacky so I need to settle back down.  I have been reading up on how to relax and get myself settled for bed. 

Tonight I will have peppermint tea, a hot water bottle and an early night.

So tomorrow will be a better day.  I will win this battle!!!


  1. We all deal with stress differently. I think you and I are alike- First, I try to keep my head down and just push thru it- but if I do that- and things stay stressful for a while- I BLOW like Mount Vesuvious!!! I scream, I throw things- I curse, and I strike out if it warrants it. I rarely do this in anyones company tho....only a couple of people have seen me really at top notch form and they were IMpressED!!!!

    Hang in there.....and back to the gym by FRIDAY!!! Right? E xxx

    1. Back to the gym tomorrow!!!! I will pull through!!!!!

