Wednesday, 17 September 2014

September 17th Day 25 --> A Very Hard Workout Indeed

Breakfast:  Strawberries and Grapes

Lunch:  Chicken, avocado, bacon and olive salad

Dinner: egg, sausage and bacon

Drinks:  2 liters of water

Exercise:  A very hard Personal Training session


Today's personal training session was tough, and I mean tough! I got pushed to extremes!!! Dan made me do sprints in between each weight lifting set. God, I almost puked!!! It was hard!!!

Eating was ok today. I am totally exhausted. The boyfriend's snoring plus my over active mind equals a very tired and cranky person!! I am shattered!!!

So I have found a motivation to keep going, my birthday is in 5 weeks and I bought a sexy dress to wear. I am so determined to get into this dress and rock it for my birthday!!! 

So it's sorted. I will get into my dress!!

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