Wednesday, 1 October 2014

October 1st Day 39 --> Pity Party Over, Let's get fit!!!

Breakfast:  Banana

Lunch:  Chicken with fajita seasoning and a small vegetable medley (red onion, olives, red peppers, tomatoes, avocado, and spinach --  and yes, cheeky people, I know that avo's and tomatoes are fruits and not veggies!!)

Dinner: chilli with a small spinach salad

Water:  1.5 liters

Exercise: killer session with Dan the PT man


Well, after feeling sorry for myself the last few days, I decided to stop being a whiney bitch and get up off my ass and keep going,

So I ate well today and had a very intense but great session with Dan the PT Man. I was dead lifting, leg pressing, squatting and rowing up a storm!!!! I felt so much better after. I am glad I went to the gym! It was the boost I needed I think.

I am feeling more like myself today. I think the motivation is back so fingers crossed I will be back to kicking ass!!!!

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