Sunday, 12 October 2014

October 12th Day 50 --> A Day of Rest

Breakfast:  nothing

Snacks:  pear, apple and cashews

Dinner: Peppered Steak and green salad

Exercise: a well deserved rest day


I am aching, and I mean aching from yesterday's workout!!! My back and upper body are screaming!!!! I haven t felt this sore after a workout for ages!!!! It's a great thing!

I spent today chilling and relaxing. My body is sore so it was minimal movement and minimal stress. I just sat in and watched Netflix. I enjoyed it. We all need rest days every once and awhile. Tonight finished with a hot bath. And as I speak I feel my eyelids drooping.i will be sleeping like the dead tonight and be ready for a good, hard legs session tomorrow!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. That's some REST!!! October? You as bad as me at keeping it up. LOL xxx
