Wednesday 27 August 2014

The Paleo Project - An Introduction

Hi All!  My name is Lisa and I am currently living in England.  I am overweight, and classed as obese.

I have pretty much done most diets that you can think of.  I lose the weight, celebrate and put the weight straight back on. This has been going on for 16 years.  I have been going between a UK size 14 to a UK size 18-20. 

My weight has always been an obession of mine and I became in 2001 bulemic.  That's something that I am ashamed of and since then, I have been in a way scared of losing weight. 

Eating disorders run in the family.  My Mama is underweight and struggles with her eating.  Behavior, I know, is learned.  And I do feel that her behavior has had an impact on me. 

My eating habits are strange I will eat healthily during the day and most nights, then I will binge just out of the blue.  Or the boyfriend will suggest getting a pizza and I cave and get my stuffed crust cheese pizza with pepperoni....mmmmmmmm.....I would drink alcohol most nights and wonder why I cannot shift any weight

I started back in July working out with a Personal Trainer at my local gym but still screwed up my diet.  Then I would get upset because I haven't shifted any weight. 

I came to a realization that I needed to change things and that the £300 that I shelled out for my Personal Training sessions were just being thrown down the toilet.

So I started to think back over the diets that I had done.  I thought about how I lived on 1 meal a day once for about 3 months.  Yes, I lost weight but as soon as I stopped the weight creeped back on.

Then I thought back to the summer of 2012.  I had a health scare and the doctor put me on a strict diet.  No dairy, no carbs, no alcohol, no wheat, or gluten.  Yes, my beloved pizza and pasta had to be put on the back burner. 

The first week was absolute hell but as each day progressed, it got easier and I felt better!  In a month, I dropped a dress size, got my confidence back but I threw it all away.  More alcohol, the sneaky KFC, and soon before you knew it, I am where I am now.  14 stone 12 (208 pounds), big tummy complete with stretch marks, boobs that are more droopy than perky and me feeling like absolute shit. 

So I started to do some research.  The diet that I did so well is actually a proper way of living!  I was doing the Paleo Diet and I didn't realize it!!  I started to read more. And I started to get excited.  I was doing this 2 years ago and I didn't realize it!!!

So I made the decision, I am going to go back to that way of eating.  I researched it and found that I could have a sneaky glass of wine ever so often but I had to stick to vegetables, fruits (dried and fresh), nuts, seeds and meat.  Out are breads, pasta, pizza, cheese, milk, rice, peanut butter (peanuts are a legume) and pretty much anything processed.  And pretty much anythng that tastes good.  The website I found has some recipes for things like almond and raspberry muffins.  I think that I might try those....

I have a major cheese addiction so I know from the past how hard it was to give up cheese but I have a slight intolerance to it so I have to weigh it up.  Cheese?  Or sore bloated, gassy belly?  Hmmmmmmm.....

I decided to write this blog as an experiment and see what happens for all people that want to try this and see if it works for me again.

Each day I will write what I eat for my meals, I will put my feelings and when I weigh myself and take my measurements so my progress is tracked properly.

Also, I have written 2 days in my personal journal which I will post on here as proper entries for you to see.

Fingers crossed and my 2 first days plus today will be up shortly for you to read.  If you want to comment, question or do anyhting like that, please feel free to!!

So The Paleo Project begins!!!

Lots of love

Lisa xxxx

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