Friday 29 August 2014

August 29th Day 6 --> On the "C" Word

Breakfast:  Hot water with lemon, oatmeal with strawberries and bananas (while watching the lads at work tuck into bacon sandwiches...yes, I can eat bacon and things like that but it's better on a sandwich....)

Lunch:  Stuffed Pepper

Dinner:  Chicken, bacon, avocado olive salad

Exercise:  None

Drinks:   2 litres of water


Now, the "c" word is something that us people don't like to discuss.  It's unpleasant, it's painful and it's just something that we know goes on but don't want to discuss it.

I'm talking about constipation.  (That wasn't so hard to say!)  The reason why I am discussing this topic is because I am suffering from it...badly.  My guts are in distress!!! 

I read last night that this can happen on the Paleo diet plan on the first 2 weeks.  They suggested to drink more water and eat more fruit. 

I normally have this issue as I suffer from IBS.  It can go one of two ways if you have IBS.  You can either be going constantly or, like me, get totally bunged up and not go for a week.  Either way, it's unpleasant and painful.  I have tried everything, Buscopan, peppermint oil, acidophilus, aloe vera, to name a few.  My tummy just doesn't want to know.  That's one of the reasons why I opted to do this.  I wanted to resolve this problem once and for all.

I also know that I have the will power that is stronger than I think! Tonight when I was making my salad, I put the boyfriend's stuffed crust pepperoni pizza in the oven and they was a bottle of ranch dressing in the fridge. I didn't touch either. The boyfriend, bless him, said that the pizza was disgusting, in fact so disgusting that he had to dip each piece into ranch dressing....he's a bad liar but I love him all the same. He has been dead supportive with this whole thing.

So fingers crossed, this will sort itself out soon and I can go on and get the body I have always wanted. I know it's in there somewhere....

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes.....been there!!! I just drink plenty of water and coffee. I also have a few ex-lax tabs I use after a couple of days of C. The dosage for them is two at a time- but I've found that just one does the trick without things getting ...messy. I dont like using them at all- I have IBS as well and it's been a rollercoaster of the two extremes, but sometimes we need a bit of help.
    (note: dont let it go for too long sugah- even if you have to use a laxative at full reccommended dosage because the last thing you want to do is become impacted and have to go to the hospital/doctors office and have them irrigate. My bezzie back home did that and the misery she went thru for a few days afterwards convinced me to USE the damn laxatives!)

    You are doing SO well!!! You've almost convinced me to fo Paleo again. (I tried it a while ago and it worked, but hubby was NOT on board with me and it was so hard coming home and making TWO meals.
